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Look how far we have come ! 

Let us learn and grow together

"The gift of food to the hungry is the noblest of all gifts."- Baba


We have 20 center members who have joined the initiative via our website (

  1. We have a food wastage survey they all completed and results are yet to be shared at the center

  2. We have identified 4 potential donor orgs and actively pursuing 1 of them to initiate donations

  3. We have identified 1 new recipient who we have just started bringing food to in Katy

  4. Still working on engaging all 20 more actively as we have just started ramping up this initiative

  5. Our launch video is located at

Collaboration with Second serving ( )

  1. Since start we have been out with Second servings to a bread factory 7 times

  2. Plan is to go and rescue bread every Saturday and use it for sandwich seva on Sunday and deliver additional bread along with sandwich delivery to the Women’s shelter, Turning point and Ballard house (the new recipient)

Food rescued to date with our involvement - ~1300 lbs. (approx. amount of bread we use for each sandwich seva ~70lbs.)

Bread rescue is now integrated with Sandwich seva

  1. Sandwich seva now provides an additional 50 sandwich bags to Ballard house.

  2. After piloting 2 sandwich seva with rescued bread, we are doing a lessons learnt and streamlining plans to facilitate smoother seva using the rescued bread and hope to see this become our new normal in 2017

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